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Hi, thank you for commenting. Could you please explain a little bit more, which theme did you mention? 
Hello, your question have been forwarded directly to our support guys, anyhow could you please post your link from support forum in order to keep traceability?  Thank you for understanding.
Hi, thank you for your question. Could you please contact our support forum with this question at support.ait-themes.com, thank you. In case of pre-sale question, please post your question here: http://www.ait-themes.com/wordpress-themes
Hello, thank you for your feedback, could you please tell us which theme you have mentioned, please?
Dear, thank you for your nice idea. We’ll consider it and make the final decision. Sorry for a delayed response. Please, stay tuned :)
Hello, thank you for the question. We do not provide html version of Busines Finder theme for the moment. Anyhow, here in your case, after you purchase the template, you can ask an local experienced developer/designer of WordPress that will be able prepare your desired functionality in order to build your unique wordpress theme.
Hello, feel free to check out our freebies offer at http://www.ait-themes.com/freebies/?ref=ait . Thank you.
thank you for awesome idea. We will consider it and make decision soon. Please stay tuned :) 
Hello, price table you could add if you know coding. For example button "Buy Tickets"  can be added in wysiwyg by using short code. Anyhow, we would recommend Solitudo theme with Page Builder, where you can easily add or change whichever element/plugin you like without coding knowledges. There are actually 30 customizable elements. Feel free to test them here in Admin Demo: http://goo.gl/dNMZnS Should you have any further questions, please, feel free to contact us. 
Hello, you can definitely use default content in order to build your website. The file is coming with installation zip file. All is included in package - except pictures which we are not allowed to sell due to copyrights.